
About the Diaconal College

The Diaconal College was established in 1920 in Aarhus – the second largest city in Denmark. The purpose of the college is to promote diaconia – the Christian tradition for social work – by training students who wish to work among children and the elderly, the sick, the vulnerable, and socially marginalised people.

Formal education in an informal setting

At the Diaconal College in Aarhus you can obtain a formal bachelor’s degree in a unique learning environment stemming from the Danish folk high school tradition. A tradition in which learning takes place through both formal and informal training, both in and outside the classroom. Around a quarter of the students live at the college dorm and contribute to the homely atmosphere of the college being. Furthermore, we strive to be an open and welcoming space for everyone engaged in diaconal and social work.

Our values

Our values are reflected in the Christian view of life and humanity and in the four “diaconal pillars” formulated by the Danish Council of Diaconia (Dansk Diakoniråd):

  • Practice neighboring love,
  • Fight for justice,
  • Protect the creation,
  • Create inclusive communities.

In our holistic approach to education, we aim for students to develop as human beings and global citizens as well as professionals. They are trained to take part in creating inclusive and sustainable societies in accordance with the UN Global Goals, which offers a framework for our education.

Cooperation with VIA University College

Since 2012, the Diaconal College has been cooperating with VIA University College on two bachelor’s degree programs both situated at our premises: The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Diaconia and Social Pedagogy and the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Christianity, Culture and Communication. Both educations have been accredited by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). Today, the Diaconal College has more than 300 students.

Fields of work for graduates

Graduates from the Diaconal College are in demand because of their ability to answer to both physical, mental, social, and existential/spiritual needs in a professional manner. They find occupation in both private diaconal institutions and civil society organisations as well as in the public sector.

Further questions?

You are more than welcome to get in touch with us if you have any enquiries or want to know more about the Diaconal College, the bachelor’s degree programs (which are taught in Danish) or our international course Hope in Action.

Jacob Zakarias Eyermann is the principal of the Diaconal College. He can be reached at:

Medlemmer af diakonforbundet sidder i et fyldt auditoriet på Diakonhøjskolen.